SVDVD-878 Ponzi Scheme-style Chain Of Inhumanity! A Girl From A Lady's School Is Leaving The School! The Girl Is Caught Up In A Ponzi Scheme And Is Raped! She Is A Young Girl From A School For Girls, And She Is Being Raped By A Girl From Her Own School! Why Don't You Make It Worse For The Girl You Don't Like?" And Then, She Has Her 'self-proclaimed Best Friend', Who On The Surface Is A Good Friend, But Deep Down Hates Her To Pieces, Called Her Out And Choked Her!

Titulo original: SVDVD-878 ネズミ講式非道の連鎖!下校中のお嬢様学校の女子○生!巻き添えレ●プ!「自分だけ不幸だと明日から学校行けないよね?嫌いな子をもっと酷い目に合わせちゃいなよ?」と、表面上は仲良しだけど、心の底ではクソ嫌いな‘自称親友’を呼び出させ首絞め!

Oh no, her boyfriend has run away! We'll take care of him for you, and if you resist, we'll tear up your precious uniform! I love your crumpled up, swollen face - don't you think it's unfair that you're the only one who has to suffer like this? Tell me about a girl you don't like. I'm going to spray her womb with za-juice just like you do!