SDMM-035 Magic Mirror - "Will You Help Me Masturbate A Virgin? A Kind-hearted Beauty Blushes, But Gently Performs On Her!
Titulo original: SDMM-035 マジックミラー号 「童貞くんのオナニーのお手伝いしてくれませんか…」夏のビーチで声を掛けた日焼け跡クッキリのライフセーバーが童貞救助実習!心優しい美女が赤面しつつも優しく筆下ろし!
This summer, we went on a nationwide search for beautiful lifesavers! We asked these kind-hearted lifesavers to do us a favor. We started by helping them masturbate, and then we tried to get them into the mood to have sex with us. The girls start to develop their feminine instincts little by little.... And the miraculous moment that comes at the end is not to be missed!